
How the Science of Whole Genome Sequencing Has Impacted the Food and Drug Industry

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been one of the most technological advancements in genetics applied by the FDA. It has been used to promote public health and minimize diseases related to foodborne across the globe. It shows the entire DNA makeup of organisms, allowing scientists to understand each species clearly. While other technologies fail to provide a clear distinction between organisms, WGS shows the differentiation between the organisms. FDA has embraced this technology and is using it to determine foodborne pathogens when there are outbreaks related to food. Through this technology, the FDA can control and prevent the occurrence of foodborne illnesses.

How Genomics Are Utilized To Determine Food Contamination

The FDA employees use whole genome sequencing through the guidance of public health professionals to collect pathogens from food products and environmental sources suspected to cause foodborne diseases. They use a genome database to identify the current outbreak and the possibility of future outbreaks. With this knowledge, they can treat the present outbreak and prevent other related diseases from occurring in the future. They also use this technology to determine the environmental conditions that can affect agricultural products and make them unfit for human consumption. Through this knowledge, they are able to come up with independent methods that can protect agricultural products from getting foodborne diseases.

Use of Genome Sequencing to Regulate Food Production and Consumption

The data they collected from tests done on foods to identify the pathogens causing foodborne diseases is used by public health professionals to determine the root cause of the specific illness or outbreak. This information also helps to differentiate between foodborne diseases and those that are not. The data can identify the specific ingredients in the food that cause an outbreak. Health officials can identify the locations where the foods that caused an outbreak came from. Combined with other information, public health individuals can determine whether a certain illness was primarily caused by a certain food or by the processing facility, thus having clear information and knowledge of the outbreak.

How Whole Genome Sequencing Technology is Applied

Most of the time, public health officials conduct tests on foodborne pathogens after an event of an outbreak. However, we should understand that that is not the only time genome sequencing occurs in the FDA. Apart from determining the cause of an outbreak, food factories can also use the technology to monitor ingredient supplies, determine how effective sanitary controls and prevention methods are, and create faster ways to undertake independent tests. If a pathogen is persistent, genome sequencing helps health professionals to identify it and its cause. They can also observe the bacteria that are resistant to treatments and come up with unique ways of eliminating them.

Whole genome sequencing has been widely applied in different sectors globally since they recognize its positive impact on the lives of diverse organisms.  Public health professionals, including those in the food industry, are using the technology to prevent, control, and treat infectious illnesses. WGS has made it easy to determine which food is not fit for human consumption and the root cause of foodborne pathogens. It is also possible to know the origin of harmful pathogens, thus making it possible to prevent them from spreading to other regions.

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